So we all know that 1994 was a good year for the social side of South African life. Apartheid was over, the government was now elected by the majority of the people and Nelson Mandela was in charge with the help of the ANC.
However, the other day I was watching a vlog from a South-African YouTuber who briefly mentioned that since the ANC took power, the infrastructure started to get worse. According to him, pot-holes started forming in the streets, education started to lose its quality as did the police force... And it was only after 1994 that corruption became a major issue.
Now I have been trying to research these statistics but there is next to no data on the internet, other than the GDP growth from 1994-onward which appears okay, but still below the world average.
What was the infrastructure like in SA before 1994? was it good? Mediocre? Better or worse?
Today, it's obvious that South Africa is not very-well run by the government, i.e. the crime rates are sky-high especially with violent crime and the police force is inadequate to deal with the situation so most people turn to private security instead. I'm curious to know if the situation was better in the past, was South Africa once considered a developed nation?
Needless to say, it would be nice to get a statement from someone who lived in SA through the 70s or 80s. Thank you.