- low pollution rate
- high living standards
Are there any historically model communist countries?
Are there any historically model communist countries?
First, let us discard the "primitive communal societies" (as Marxism describes pre-historic societies): they cannot be compared with anything else and their "communism" has been disputed.
Second, for "modern" societies, the answer is, emphatically, no. Every single communist society attempted either disappeared through attrition (people leaving) or builds a wall to prevent that. The fact that people universally run away from communism is a conclusive proof that it does not offer most people a better standard of living (because most people value bread over circuses).
PS1. The few still existing tiny utopian communities are sustained through a constant influx of volunteers, not organically. They are like a zoo vs biosphere experiment.
PS2. Communism in this context is defined as economic model of communism (lack of private ownership of means of production, IOW, private enterprise being illegal, or at least prohibited from hiring employees), rather than political aspects (lack of liberty and democracy). Cf. authoritarian capitalist regimes in tigers and the current PRC and Vietnam who are communist only politically, not economically.
PS3. In response to the socialist apology in comments:
Benin/Afghanistan are/were socialist in name only, these are agrarian non-collectivized economies, so their "socialism" affects only a small percentage of urban population.
Both Yugoslavia and PRC had "граница на замке" (border is locked up) policy, and still plenty of people tried to escaped (to Austria from Yugoslavia, to Hong Kong from PRC).
Cold War started after WW2, and USSR was locking borders already long before that. "Diplomatic isolation" coincided with relatively liberal NEP, while soviet industrialization was done, to a large degree (from Магнитка to Днепрогэс - both poster children of the Industrialization), by American and other western capital and engineers hungry for application in the aftermath of the Great Depression. In fact, blaming "hostile capitalist surroundings" for all internal problems is a classic Soviet lie, it is sad to see how well it persists.