I am Chinese and have been surrounded by the "conspiracy theory" that the U.S. has been intending to destroy China for a long time.
Proponents of this theory
cite the Plaza Accord as evidence that America stopped Japan's progress to prevent her from occupying America's global market, and conclude that China is next.
claim that the Soviet Union in the early stage trusted America but was cheated, SOHU.com
videos claim that Putin once trusted America and even wanted to join NATO. SOHU.com
Is there any evidence of a US policy to destroy China? Is there evidence to contradict these claims? Is this a continuation of the Cold War?
I'm not trying to engage the conspiracy theorists; I'm trying to educate myself and figure out what is propaganda and what is legitimate history.
I don't know if what I learned was a part of propaganda like those in the book 1984 to distract our attention from issues inside China. Things like home prices dropping, strict Covid-19 control and people's silently complaining, the succession problem made by Xi, Taiwan problem etc.
I want to know more about the cold war because it seems that the war is still going on, but between China and probably "her imaginary enemy" America.
Are there some strategic relations between Russia, Japan and China? What rules have America played with the three Asian countries? How does the conspiracy theory work in China (or maybe also other countries like Russia and etc) for what purpose?