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A written and accessible code of behavior which is enforced by a powerful entity (almost always a state actor). Part of this code includes the entities responsible for maintaining and interpreting the written statutes, the punishments that can be applied in the case of the violation of the stated rules, and the means for determining guilt and innocence of parties suspected of violating any aspect of the aforementioned laws.

9 votes

What is the longest running legal case?

The longest running that I can find is the property dispute of Raja Rajkrishna Deb, which was started in 1833 and is as far as I can find still pending after 181 years.
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17 votes

Did the U.S Constitution revoke or merely amend the the Articles of Confederation?

Supreme Court would not hold any authority over the enforcement of the Articles of Confederation, as Article III, Section 2 defines that authority to "extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under …
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