Could the following possibly be true? Quote from Andrew Roberts, The Storm of War, 2009, p. 330:
The original quote can be found here:
Could the following possibly be true? Quote from Andrew Roberts, The Storm of War, 2009, p. 330:
The original quote can be found here:
On June 5th, 1940, the Wehrmacht launched Fall Rot, the second stage of the invasion of France. The French front was rapidly breached along the Somme and the German armies reached the Seine at Rouen on June 9th (from which one only has to follow the Seine to the south-east to enter Paris). The French government fled Paris, first to Tours, then Bordeaux. General Maxime Weygand, the supreme commander of French forces, made clear his intention to see Paris being declared a "ville ouverte" (an open city that would not be defended) on June 10th (contrary to the opinion of General Pierre Héring, the military governor of Paris). On June 14th, the Germans entered without military resistance and no acts of personal resistance were recorded.
The number of German casualties in taking Paris appears to have been zero, and the quote is thus true.