I was a bit surprised to learn from this YouTube video (about Lottery in Soviet Union) that lottery of the kind where you had to guess like 6 numbers out of 49 or so existed in Soviet Union since early 1970's.
According to the video, this lottery was televised starting in 1976. And the top prize for it was 25,000 rubles. The answers to this question (at Quora) indicate that salaries in Soviet Union may have been around 100-300 rubles per month.
This would mean that the 25,000 rubles was like several years wage. Which surprised me since I had thought that USSR was supposed to (try to) promote a "classless society". Openly giving one person that much more money than to the other comrades did not seem like it was contributing to this ideal, in my opinion.
On this thought I wanted to ask how much the lottery income was taxed in Soviet Union?