This question was difficult to word. Please edit if it can be worded better.

I've seen many murals and ancient drawing as far back as 3,000BC (Kemetian, Sumerian) of society wearing atleast some clothing to cover their genitals (and/or breasts of women). I've also seen primitive tribes of modern day, some who cover, some who are topless, and some who are totally naked.

What exactly was the origin and reasoning behind societies/civilizations adopting such clothing (i.e. covering a precise part of the body)?

I'm thinking before most common religions came into practice, that make covering obligatory.

  • 10
    While the question is interesting, the history of clothing stretches 100-500k years back. There seems to be a few theories floating around about what you're asking but they're rather speculative. Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 3:41
  • 4
    I am voting to reopen. While the question should be more precise, possibly specifying the regional context (middle east?), I cannot see how this is off topic. As a sidenote: The question as I understand it is not about the history of clothing, but about that of modesty (not keeping warm, adornment etc, but covering genitals).
    – 0range
    Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 11:47
  • 2
    Though, this might be considered a personal attack, but you guys better check out his profile. He never accepted any answer how many popular his question was, he verryyy ( as far as I checked, only one ) rarely leaves a comment, so don't be fooled, as I would like to caution you.
    – user12387
    Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 20:14
  • 4
    The simple answer is that we don't know. The earliest archaeological evidence for clothing is a needle (found in Denisova Cave) made from animal bone that probably dates from ~50K years ago. We have no way of knowing what those clothes were made from, or what parts of the body that clothing was intended to cover. The clothing itself just doesn't survive. Commented Oct 18, 2019 at 20:51
  • 3
    Even if History doesn't know, this is a good history question and answering that History doesn't know would be a good answer.
    – Pere
    Commented Oct 19, 2019 at 8:19