In Stratton Oakmont v Prodigy Services Co., the case that eventually led to the adoption of Section 230, Prodigy was sued for libelous statements posted on their forums by one of their users. According to the decision, these statements stated the following:
(a) STRATTON OAKMONT, INC. ("STRATTON"), a securities investment banking firm, and DANIEL PORUSH, STRATTON's president, committed criminal and fraudulent acts in connection with the initial public offering of stock of Solomon-Page Ltd.;
(b) the Solomon-Page offering was a "major criminal fraud" and "100% criminal fraud";
(c) PORUSH was "soon to be proven criminal"; and,
(d) STRATTON was a "cult of brokers who either lie for a living or get fired."
This case was decided in 1995. Within a few years, CEO Porush pled guilty to securities violations and Stratton Oakmont closed after New York regulators barred them from conducting sales. (The firm is probably now most famous for its portrayal in The Wolf of Wall Street.)
Given what has since come to light, do we know whether the libelous statements posted on Prodigy were actually true? I’ve tried to find details about what Porush actually plead guilty to and whether it concerned the Solomon-Page company mentioned in the forum posts, but I’m having trouble finding anything.