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Questions related to aspects of World War II (1939-1945 AD). An international conflict whose major participants were the fascist countries of Germany, Italy, and Japan engaged against the allied nations of the UK, France, China, the USSR, and the USA. The conflict began with the German invasion of Poland and formally ended with the American victory over Japan.

88 votes

Why didn't Japan take Pearl Harbor when they had the chance?

There are two simple reasons they did not, besides "they couldn't" The "they couldn't" make the airborne assault with paratroopers is underscored by the fact that their longest range transport planes …
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
8 votes

Why didn't the Japanese develop air defenses after the bombing of Tokyo?

The best defense is a good offense If we only defend, we lose the war ~ Kembai Shimata. This answer will not duplicate the resource analysis a couple of the others did, but approaches the question …
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
54 votes

Why was Spanish Fascist dictatorship left in power after World War II?

WW II was primarily a power struggle, and to a lesser degree an ideological struggle. This means that your assumption about the motivations of WW II are incorrect. If it had been an ideological stru …
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
4 votes

Autobiographical books about the Atlantic war for WWII from the allied perspective

A Bloody War by Lieutenant Hal Lawrence. I read this in the 1980's in paperback form. It is a narrative by a Canadian officer serving in the Royal Navy in various anti-submarine operations in the A …
KorvinStarmast's user avatar