Where online can I find a map of the Landgraviate of Hesse-Rotenburg (aka the 'Rotenburger Quart') as it existed between 1648 (ie, after the Peace of Westphalia) and 1658 (when Hermann IV von Hessen-Rotenburg died).
I am in need of a list of the towns included in the Huldigung (homage) of the Rotenburger Quart conducted in 1656. A map seems the simplest way. I know Asmushausen and Braunhausen were included, but I need to also know whether Abterode, Hersfeld (now Bad Hersfeld), Dens, Diemerode, Harmuthsachsen, Heinebach, Herlefeld, Hetzerode, Hoheneiche, Niederbeisheim, Niederellenbach, Oberellenbach, Pfieffe, Rockensüß, Sandershausen, Sontra, Stölzingen (technically not a 'town'), Wahlershausen, and Weidelbach were included or not.
Update: From other records, I think these towns break down this way, but at least some of it is based only on which Amt it was part of. Niederbeisheim being part of Hesse-Rotenburg is the least solid entry here. Stölzingen was a very small farm estate, but based on location and proximity to Diemerode, it likely was part of Hesse-Rotenburg. If this breakdown is correct, it means that at least some part of the border on the right side of the center (beige with red border line) oval of the HStAM Fonds Karten No P II 20771 map is incorrect, or had changed between 1648 and 1702, as it would show Oberellenbach, Niederellenbach, and Niederbeisheim in the wrong quart.
Asmushausen: Hesse-Rotenburg (confirmed to be part of the homage)
Braunhausen: Hesse-Rotenburg (confirmed to be part of the homage)
Abterode - Hesse-Rotenburg
Dens: Hesse-Rotenburg
Diemerode: Hesse-Rotenburg
Niederbeisheim: Hessen-Rotenburg (not confirmed)
Niederellenbach: Hessen-Rotenburg
Oberellenbach: Hessen-Rotenburg
Rockensüß: Hessen-Rotenburg
Sontra: Hessen-Rotenburg
Stölzingen: Hessen-Rotenburg (presumed)
Hersfeld - Hesse-Cassel
Harmuthsachsen: Hesse-Cassel
Heinebach: Hesse-Cassel
Herlefeld: Hesse-Cassel
Hetzerode: Hesse-Cassel
Hoheneiche: Hesse-Cassel
Pfieffe: Hesse-Cassel
Sandershausen: Hesse-Cassel
Wahlershausen: Hesse-Cassel
Weidelbach: Hesse-Cassel