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22 votes

How useful are mythological king lists and geneologies for historians?

As Will & Ariel Durant's History of Civilization first pointed out to me several decades ago, reinforced by Kenneth Clark's Civilization BBC TV series, history is far more than just the ...
Pieter Geerkens's user avatar
12 votes

How useful are mythological king lists and geneologies for historians?

First I will point out that mythology has an obvious and direct relevance when it comes to the history of ideas, intellectual history, the history of religion and so on. In that sense, no matter how ...
Brian Z's user avatar
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8 votes

Do Columbus' letters reveal that he was a Marrano?

While there are some not very widely supported theories out there that postulate some somehow Jewish origin for Columbus (esWP: Cristóbal Colón, Origen, Hipótesis secundarias, enWP: Catalan-Jewish ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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6 votes

How useful are mythological king lists and geneologies for historians?

Myths are generally unreliable sources for historic events because there is usually no way to tell where fact ends and fiction begins. However, they can be a useful source about the culture and ...
Philipp's user avatar
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