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When did Athenian archers pepper Spartan hoplites with arrows for days on an island?

The heading is basically all I remember from school. The hoplites lacked mobility and were thus harassed for day by the lightly armored Athenian archers. Athenian victory.
Vorac's user avatar
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Why did Athenian philosophers praise Spartan culture and laws, which would preclude philosophers like themselves?

Laconophilia was near universal among the important Athenian philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle, Plato and his followers - all praised Spartan culture and its laws, even after Sparta fell from glory ...
CuriousPericles's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Did the Persian Empire really finance both sides of the Peloponnesian war?

I thought that the Persian empire was an enemy of these states and I've read somewhere that the Spartans indeed won the Peloponnesian war with the help of the Persian empire but in an answer here it's ...
Jordy van Ekelen's user avatar
19 votes
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Who came up with the name "Peloponnesian War"?

If I understand correctly, Thucydides actually called his book just History. If that is correct, then at what point did it become known as History of the Peloponnesian War? EDIT: Here is how he ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar