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13 votes

How did the lighthouse at Pharos work?

Was the ancient Greek pharos light house of ancient Alexandria, Egypt capable of creating light beams like a modern flash light? No. Historical descriptions No one really knows any detail of the ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar
11 votes

Did Philo ever mention crucifixion as a punishment in any of his writings? If he didn't, was there ever a reason he didn't?

The vast majority of Philo's writings were concerned with Philosophical and Religious matters (which many people at the time did not consider as completely separate things). However he had one writing ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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5 votes

When was the "Alexandrian period" of Greek sciences?

Approximately 300 BC to 30 BC, or up to 642 AD. In the context of the sciences, the Alexandrian period refers to a phase associated with the Musaeum at Alexandria - a institution which included the ...
Semaphore's user avatar
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4 votes

How did the lighthouse at Pharos work?

To go into more details re. the mirror: Some of your links say that there are reports that the lighthouse had a curved mirror, which could even be used to set ships on fire or to spy on Constantinople ...
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1 vote

When was the "Alexandrian period" of Greek sciences?

The more common name of this period is Hellenism. It starts with the death of Alexander III of Macedon (323 BC) and ends with the battle at Actium (31 BC).
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