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Questions tagged [tradition]

Questions related to the history of traditions, whether of religious or cultural or military or political or other other aspects of societal categorizations. For best results, use this tag in conjunction with other more descriptive tags for disambiguation.

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29 votes
3 answers

What is the earliest known account of the modern military salute?

The military salute, made with right hand to head of a soldier, seems to be a European tradition, however it is adopted by many armies in the world. What are origins of this gesture? I came across a ...
Voitcus's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Why did people in some countries start to drive on the right?

Most people are right-handed and it seems natural that people used the left hand side of the road when riding horses or simply walking. In case of conflict a weapon could be easily put between you and ...
fledermaus's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Where does the tradition of Christmas gifts comes from?

Where does the modern tradition of exchanging gifts from Christmas comes from? I've heard that it's inspired by a similar tradition the Ancient Romans had on one of their festivals, is that true?
Roc Martí's user avatar