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15 votes
1 answer

Why did this anti-communist pamphlet, from the USA in the 1950s, include UNESCO among its targets?

The English language Wikipedia article on McCarthyism includes an image of an "anti-communist" pamphlet, apparently from the 1950s: I was intrigued by point 4: RIGHT NOW films are being ...
gerrit's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Is it true that novel 1984 became famous under US propaganda? [closed]

I've heard from some one that novel 1984 was not a very excellent novel but under US propaganda and CIA's pressure it became famous. And also the opposite of this happened to novel Brave New World. ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
5 votes
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Were Communists drafted for the Vietnam war?

Given that it wasn't illegal to be a member of a Communist party in the US, how did the military handle draftees who might be sympathetic to North Vietnam? Were men who were members of the Communist ...
synecdoche's user avatar
4 votes
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During the Great Depression in America, was there an increase in popularity of Communism?

During the Great Depression, was there an increase in the popularity of Communism among the everyday American and if so, was this due to a longing for better living conditions?
S. Allen's user avatar
2 votes
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Was there really a Communist presidential nominee or political party in the 1876 election?

In David Leip's political atlas, it says that 'Communist' gained 32 votes in the 1876 presidential election. The name of the candidates and the state where these votes were counted doesn't appear. Of ...
Ne Mo's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

What was the program of the Mensheviks in their later years? How did they hope to achieve it?

The Mensheviks were an important force in Russia during the February Revolution of 1917. Within Russia proper, they were gradually sidelined after the Bolshevik October Revolution. The Menshevik ...
Ne Mo's user avatar
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Why was the US table tennis team sent to communist China even after a difference in ideology? [closed]

The USA had an embargo in place with China, due to having fought the Chinese in Korea during the Korean war. For 20 years no American set foot in PRC territory. At last though, the American table ...
Mansha Mannan Ul Haque's user avatar
3 votes
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How much impact did US Policy of containment have?

This will border dangerously close to a discussion rather than question/answer, but I would like to know whether there exists any consensus regarding the effects of the United States' policy of ...
user23603's user avatar
5 votes
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Looking for a (preferably digital) collection of McCarthy speeches (transcripts)

I am analysing the history of demagogy and it's rhetoric using modern data science. I have acquired some collections of speeches dating back to George Washington, but unfortunately I have not been ...
henrikl's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Who is the historical figure in McCarthy's speech, "When a great democracy is destroyed..."?

During the Wheeling speech in 1950, McCarthy said : As one of our outstanding historical figures once said, “When a great democracy is destroyed, it will not be from enemies from without, but rather ...
n0tis's user avatar
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