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For questions regarding the Indian sub-continent, today corresponding to the nations of Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.

0 votes

Was Kingdom of Cochin the only kingdom in South Asia to be a protectorate of (any empire of)...

It's an early example of Chinese involvement in India. It's rise and fall coincides with the later half of the Tang Dynasty. … Central India was contested by the Western Pratiharas, the Eastern Palas, and the Rashtrakutas in the south. It was the only Bengalese Empire that I know of that conquered Northern India. …
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What is the origin of Indian weekday names?

The seven day week is Sumerian or Babylonian in origin. The astrological component is also Babylonian. Seven was an important number to the Babylonians; the world was created in seven days, the Annuna …
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3 votes

Did St Thomas really come to India?

The most compelling part of the story is that it correctly names the ruler in North India, Gondopharnes. … He first stayed at the court of Gondopharnes, then traveled to South India where he spent the rest of his life. …
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20 votes

Why didn't invaders of India ever cross into Myanmar and beyond (east)?

Kamboja is also the name of a Scythian people in Northwest India who received mention in the Mahabharata. … Central Asia (including Northern India) and Southeast Asia are only connected by maritime routes. An invasion of Southeast Asia from India would have had to have been by sea. …
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2 votes

Are there no written records of Sanskrit before Rigveda?

There was no writing in India before the Mauryan Empire. Sanskrit was a spoken language. Sanskrit writing derived from Prakrit, breaking off around very roughly around 100 B.C. … Since there was no writing in Pre-Mauryan India, there is only oral tradition. The Rig Veda was impeccably memorized by Brahmans. It is a usable record like no other oral tradition in the world. …
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1 vote

During the Chola dynasty how extensive was the use of Sanskrit in government and by the people?

The Pallavas spread the Grantha script across South India, replacing Vatteluttu. …
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5 votes

What did Buddhism vs. Hinduism mean politically?

Alain Danielou, who lived and studied in India, said that these Yogis were preservers of an indigenous Harrapan tradition which had moved underground when the Aryans arrived. …
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4 votes
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Evidence of Iron Age migrations into India (1000-600)

I was reading a History of India by Michael Edwardes. It says that by 600 B.C., the northwest had been closed off to invaders. It made me wonder about migrations up to this period. … What do we know about later iron age migrations into India? Let's say from 1000-600, with an emphasis on the later period. Edit: I found one of the references to a non vedic tribe. …
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