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49 votes

What are the text and subtext of this 1949 Soviet cartoon?

Although the whole anti-"rootless cosmopolitan" campaign is now widely accepted as being antisemitic in nature, at the time it was framed as being directed against people who "lack patriotism and ...
Danila Smirnov's user avatar
24 votes

Why is the Arch of Titus not considered to be anti-Semitic?

Probably because, unlike many other acts in the ancient eastern Mediterranean (perhaps dating back to the antisemitic attitudes expressed by Manetho in the 3rd century BC), the motivation behind the ...
sempaiscuba's user avatar
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17 votes

What are the text and subtext of this 1949 Soviet cartoon?

1949 was a bad year to be a communist or nomenklatura. Apart from the Rajk trials of national development line communists in the new soviet-style societies, there was the Leningrad affair and ...
Samuel Russell's user avatar
15 votes

Did Nazi party members request exemption for their pre-war Jewish acquaintances?

This is known to have happened sometimes. From the Führer: Hitler no longer appreciated the scale of these exceptional requests. As early as 14 January 1939 he criticised the numerous applications ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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13 votes

To what extent were practitioners of Judaism persecuted during the Soviet Union?

Depends on the era and circumstances USSR was officially atheist, and all religion institutions were tightly monitored and controlled. However, every religion was not in same position, and level of ...
rs.29's user avatar
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12 votes

To what extent were practitioners of Judaism persecuted during the Soviet Union?

All religious institutions in the USSR were treated as honeypots, and that, of course, was true about Jewish institutions doubly both because of traditional antisemitism and the fact that Judaism ...
sds's user avatar
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10 votes

Were there moves to make anti-miscegenation laws apply to Jews in the USA?

"Of Mongrels and men. The shared ideology of anti-miscegenation law, Chinese exclusion and contemporary American neo-nativism" by Geoffrey Neri, is a 40 page long study of anti-miscegenation laws in ...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
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10 votes

Did the Nazis ever cite Martin Luther's "The Jews and their lies" to justify the holocaust?

From German wikipedia on Luther's relationship to the Jews and antisemitism, translated/paraphrased by me: The propaganda organ Stürmer claimed Luther as a ruthless antisemite and that protestant ...
mart's user avatar
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8 votes

What are the text and subtext of this 1949 Soviet cartoon?

This cartoon is a part of the campaign in the Soviet media which started on January 28, 1949 with publication in Pravda (central newspaper of the Communist party) which was called "On an anti-party ...
Alex's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is the Arch of Titus not considered to be anti-Semitic?

One cannot look at history with the morality of today. Antisemitism as we know it today did not exist back then.
Jos's user avatar
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5 votes

What was Pope Sylvester's attitude towards Jews?

We don't know. Reliable information about him is sparse. The claims presented in the question have to be called "wholly unfounded". Important to distinguish anti-judaism and antisemitism. ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
  • 80.8k
5 votes

To what extent is the Catholic church responsible for historical Antisemitism in Europe?

Antisemitism, as defined by radically different treatment compared to their Christain counterparts Was the antisemitism based on the specific opinions of thought leaders The greatest doctor of the ...
Geremia's user avatar
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5 votes

To what extent were practitioners of Judaism persecuted during the Soviet Union?

It is a common misconception in the West to confuse Jews and Judaism, and as a consequence, antisemitism with attitude to Judaism. In Europe, especially in Eastern Europe, "Jew" does not mean ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 38.8k
4 votes

Why was the German Jewish population declining so much that some statisticians predicted its disappearance even before the 3rd Reich?

The German Jewish communities experienced an earlier demographic transition, starting shortly before the First World War, compared with the rest of the German population, meaning that while the ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
  • 80.8k
4 votes

Why is the Arch of Titus not considered to be anti-Semitic?

Would a monument commemorating the US victory in the Civil War be considered an example of antisouthernism? Would a monument commemorating the US victory in the Great Sioux War of 1876-1877 be ...
MAGolding's user avatar
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4 votes

What are the text and subtext of this 1949 Soviet cartoon?

I also suspect that there is significance in the mismatched patterns of our vagabond's jacket and pants; ... And possibly the hat and the overstuffed valise, for that matter. What would a Russian in ...
artem's user avatar
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3 votes

Were communists opposed to Jews in France?

I know that the Dreyfus affair was an important changepoint for the communists and the Left for them to stand with the Jews to the extent that it was about defending human rights. The question is ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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2 votes

What is 'redemptive anti-Semitism'?

Friedländer is talking about a specifically Nazi aspect of anti-Semitism. That's the belief in a racial hierarchy, with the "Nordic race" at the top, and "the Jews" at the bottom. It holds that ...
John Dallman's user avatar
2 votes

What was Pope Sylvester's attitude towards Jews?

Jews were prohibited from living in Jerusalem by the Emperor Hadrian around 136 as a response to the Bar Kochba revolt. (In fact, there was even a perimeter...i.e. not allowed to live within ...
C Monsour's user avatar
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1 vote

What caused the rise of international anti-semitism during the early 20th century?

The rise really started in 19th century. The main reason was the general rise of nationalism related to creation of nation-states in Europe. Shortly before that, or simultaneously, the Jews were ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 vote

If Nietzsche was against anti-semitism, how did he become an inspiration to Hitler?

Nietzsche went insane when he was about 40. His sister took possession of his affairs. She complied his unpublished writings and edited them. She, a big fan of Hitler, published some of her brother's ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
1 vote

Were communists opposed to Jews in France?

No, at least not during World War II. Yes, the Communist resistance was fairly late in starting (1941), but when it did, its leader, Colonel Gilles (aka Joseph Epstein), was Jewish. Also, Leon Blum, ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the text and subtext of this 1949 Soviet cartoon?

The term "rootless cosmopolitan" experienced something of a resurgence in popularity recently, so I think the uploader may have meant it in the modern sense. That being, a person who supports open ...
Jong Kim's user avatar
1 vote

What are the text and subtext of this 1949 Soviet cartoon?

The "subtext" of the Cartoon is not the same as the subtitle. As its satire, it's not so much directed at anything but the reader. I say it is not really "antisemitic" unless you want it to be. ...
vectory's user avatar
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1 vote

Was Rommel anti-semitic?

Rommel was not an anti-semite, but he did approve of Hitler's plans to strengthen the military and use military might. He wrote a letter to Hitler saying "this business with the Jews has to stop". ...
Manuel Levine's user avatar

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