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Questions tagged [latin-language]

For questions pertaining to the Latin language, as used by the Romans originally and after them by the Catholic Church as well as a lingua franca in Medieval Europe.

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When did Russian officially replace Old Slavonic?

When was Russian adopted as the official language of Russia? Background: Well into the XVIII-th (or even XIX-th) century Russian co-existed in a state of diglossia with Old Church Slavonic, based on a ...
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What is the source of the quote: "the church is a hospital"?

There is an often-quoted saying of Augustine that “The church is not a hotel for saints, it is a hospital for sinners.” However, in conducting a cursory search of the words on the internet, one finds ...
Epimanes's user avatar
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Ancient Roman Slang

Is anyone able to recommend a book or website which lists slang from Ancient Rome? As an example, how would a Roman say the equivalent of "it's screwed up"? There are many ways of saying this in ...
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What are the languages proposed for international use by Max Müller?

In an article entitled 'Il latino quale lingua ausiliare internazionale' ('Latin as an international auxiliary language'), Giuseppe Peano mentions that various people have proposed that a certain ...
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Why did Latin language stop being in use in the 18th century?

Why did Latin language fall? According to Wikipedia, in the 18th century the Latin language stopped to be the language in academia and politics. It is written there in the wiki article that Latin was ...
Mike B.'s user avatar
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Which Canadian universities required Ancient Greek and Latin? From when to when?

I limit this question to universities in Canada. 1. What rough percentage of universities required Ancient Greek and Latin, for admission? 2. Then what about after admission, during university? ...
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How and when did the surname "Apibus" become "de Apapis"?

The Maltese surname Apap derives from "De Apapis", and the family crest features bees. Family lore tells that the surname originates from a person who kept bees. In Latin, Apis is bee, and the most ...
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Where can I find an online version of Lorenzo Valla’s latin translation of Histories by Herodotus?

Where can I find an online version of Lorenzo Valla’s latin translation of The Histories by Herodotus? I want to read Valla's Latin translation, not a translation into English.
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