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7 votes
2 answers

What was Pope Sylvester's attitude towards Jews?

This is a cross question from Quora: What was Pope Sylvester's attitude towards Jews? When searching for this issue I just did find newspaper articles without citing anything. Celebrating an anti-...
David Michael Gang's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

After Jesus was executed what became of Pontius Pilate

After all of the unrest in the area did Pontius Pilate resolve the issue by the death of Jesus Christ. Historically what became of Pontius Pilate.
Shannon Chesnut's user avatar
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Was the divinity of Roman Emperors taken as seriously as the actual Pagan Gods by other religious communities?

Apotheosis of Roman Emperors and their close relatives after their death was a common practice in the Roman Empire. I understand that it wasn't a meaningless ritual, there was an elaborate Imperial ...
taninamdar's user avatar
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Is there any record of the Ebionites outside of the antiheretical polemics of the church fathers?

The Ebionites were a sect of Jewish Christians in the early centuries of Christianity. Little is known about them, and it appears that most or all of their texts were destroyed or lost, possibly as a ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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What's the relationship between Solomon's Temple and Christians? [closed]

An Evangelical-Pentecostal church has built a huge replica of Solomon's Temple in Brazil. But why Solomon's Temple? What does it have to do with Jesus Christ and the Christian faith? It's very odd to ...
Yuri Borges's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a link between the Easter rabbits and the Yaknehaz rabbits?

It came to my attention this Passover that old German Haggadahs (books used at the Passover ceremonial meal) often featured an illustration of a rabbit hunt, or of just a rabbit, to serve as a ...
CodyBugstein's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Was Jesus thought to be Jewish before the Renaissance?

Anthony Grafton claims that "the Christian discovery of a Jewish Jesus began not in the 19th century but in the Renaissance"; elsewhere, "Sixteenth and seventeenth-century scholars came to see, as ...
Hypercube's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Why did Martin Luther hate the Jews?

What was his reason for hating the Jews? Did Luther believe in religious toleration, or did he hate the Jews because they didn't share his beliefs?
user4951's user avatar
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