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Questions tagged [confederacy]

For questions about the Confederate States of America, name of the government of the rebelling states existed during American Civil War, 1861-1865.

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1 answer

Was the 14th Amendment ever enforced against a Confederate veteran?

Headlines have recently told us that the Supreme Court of Colorado has excluded Donald Trump from the ballot in that state because of Article 3 of the 14th Amendment, which provides: No person shall ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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What is the origin of Jefferson Davis' nickname "Banny"?

I have seen a few letters between Davis and his wife, Varina in which she refers to him as "Banny." This name seems to have nothing to do with his birthplace or, for example, his middle name....
releseabe's user avatar
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Why did Frank James (Jesse's brother) get acquitted and how was he close with President Roosevelt despite being an outlaw?

I don't understand what was in Frank's favor, when Younger spent 25 years in prison. There is this quote from the book The Day Jesse James Was Killed by Carl W. Breihan. Why would a (former) president ...
StanKirb's user avatar
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How did the Eastern & Western halves of the Confederacy communicate with each other after the fall of Vicksburg?

After the Union captured Vicksburg, they split the Confederacy in two. The separation was such that it's said Confederate general Kirby Smith effectively ran a "Kirby Smithdom" in the ...
Allure's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the reason for the modern prominence of the Confederate battle flag, as opposed to some other Confederate flag?

It seems whenever there's news of some protests in the USA, the Confederate battle flag will almost invariably show up in the associated photoreports. Granted, this may just be observer bias due to me ...
Gallifreyan's user avatar
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Did the Confederate States of America claim any territories? [closed]

Closely related: Did the territories officially choose a side to support in the American Civil War? In an answer to the question above, Mark noted, "Legally, a territory is directly governed by ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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5 answers

What's the difference between Kosovo's & the Confederate States of America's declaration of independence?

In reading the Wikipedia article on Kosovo independence precedent, one thing I noticed is that it treats the Kosovo situation as a precedent. This is surprising to me because there's obviously a ...
Allure's user avatar
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3 answers

At what point after the war did Confederate money begin to attain value again?

At the start of the U.S. Civil War, the Confederate States of America began to print their own money. Almost immediately it began to lose value due to inflation (except in 1864). By the end of the ...
wardr's user avatar
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Before the Civil War, did the USA ever offer something like a "5-year plan" for the South to abolish slavery?

Before the U.S. Civil War broke out, did the North ever offer any sort of gradual slavery abolishment deal to the South, instead of demanding that the South stop slavery immediately? I imagine the ...
user3163495's user avatar
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4 answers

Were there any Native American tribes that had more than a strategic alliance with the Confederates?

Background I have been trying to read more on Native American history in the United States. While it seems to be a lot more multidimensional that I initially thought, the general trend of "the ...
isakbob's user avatar
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Why is the Confederacy frequently depicted as heroic in film and literature? [closed]

I was watching a remastered video from The Rebel and it occurs to me that often, if not the majority of the time, it is the Confederacy before, during and after the war which is shown in a sort of ...
releseabe's user avatar
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110 votes
7 answers

Why did the Confederacy think they could win the American Civil War?

The early Confederacy (The 7 founding states) attacked Fort Sumter in April 1861, starting the American Civil War. The Confederacy knew this would lead to war with the Union, yet they seemed to be ...
Robert Tausig's user avatar
8 votes
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Did the Confederate States of America ever officially adopt William T. Thompson's descriptions of the CSA national flag?

William Tappan Thompson is not infrequently referenced as the "creator" and "designer" of the Confederate States of America (CSA) national flag in popular media, see William Thompson Designed the ...
guest271314's user avatar
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Why did Confederate General Forrest leave the KKK?

I've watched a video with a simplified version of General Nathan Bedford Forrest's history. It was in the context of contemporary pressure to remove statues of Confederate leaders. I did some fact-...
Zebrafish's user avatar
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Were Confederate pikes just a curious item to laugh at?

If you check this video you can see many Confederate pikes being unearthed. There are also other videos featuring high-tech Confederate pikes. Were these meant just to entertain troops in the field? ...
user1095108's user avatar
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American presidents on secession legality?

I am writing article (in Russian) on secession legality, and would like to include and analyze expressed opinions of antebellum American Presidents on the subject. My favorite is Andrew Jackson’s ...
Alexander Barhavin's user avatar
3 votes
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Looking for source for Jefferson Davis with Bat Wings

Some time ago I came across a large print of Confederate President Jefferson Davis with bat wings, which was ostensibly printed in a northern newspaper during or shortly after the American Civil War. ...
Resting in Shade's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How did Jews feels in the Confederate States of America and what was their political position? [closed]

Was there any sort of legislated racial discrimination against Jews or not? Or, If not by law, maybe they were oppressed socially by so-called "rednecks"? Did they held any positions in the CSA ...
Max's user avatar
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What portion of tariffs was paid by Southern states before American Civil War?

My question is very narrow and specific: I am looking for records on value of imported goods unloaded at Northern ports (predominantly NY) and subsequently transported to South and sold to Southern ...
Alexander Barhavin's user avatar
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What factors prevented the legality of secession being pursued via the courts prior to the outbreak of the Civil War?

I've seen references to Lincoln's political maneuvering to prevent the question of secession from being brought to the supreme court in the days preceding the conflict, presumably for fear a ruling ...
Lynn's user avatar
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Why wouldn't the South make salt from seawater during the American Civil War?

This article goes into some detail about the state of cooking in the Union and the Confederacy during the American Civil War. One of its interesting claims is that the South was suffering from a lack ...
Mike's user avatar
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Slave owners mobbed and murdered?

In Jefferson Davis' first message to the Congress of the Confederate States, he stated that: owners of slaves were mobbed and even murdered in open day solely for applying to a magistrate for the ...
Luke_0's user avatar
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Did the Southern States make any attempt to secede from the Union through an act of Congress?

I have read the answers about the legality of southern secession - very helpful; thank you. In light of those, I have another question: Did the Southern States make any attempt to secede from the ...
Christoph's user avatar
10 votes
8 answers

What were the long-term effects of Reconstruction in the South?

After the American Civil War, the South was in ruins and there was doubt about how the Southern states would treat newly freed slaves. So the US government instituted a 15-year policy known as ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
63 votes
17 answers

Was the secession of the Confederate states illegal?

Putting aside their reasons for wanting to do so and all the emotional responses they would provoke, was the secession of states from the Union to eventually form the Confederacy an illegal act in ...
Garrett Albright's user avatar
11 votes
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Attempts to return the War to the South's favor after Gettysburg?

With regards to the Union victory at Gettysburg being the turning point of the American Civil War: Were there any major Confederate victories after the battle of Gettysburg? Did the Confederacy ever ...
sealz's user avatar
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Why did Robert E. Lee stop offensive maneuvers?

According to the Wikipedia article on the Battle of Gettysburg, after that battle Robert E. Lee stopped making offensive maneuvers and rather started reacting to Union offensives. Is this 100% true, ...
DForck42's user avatar
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6 answers

Which Confederate State provided the most troops in the American Civil War?

Of all the states that elected to secede during the American Civil War, which one had the largest number of citizens who actually fought for the Confederacy? I would also be interested if anyone could ...
Steven Drennon's user avatar