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4 votes
1 answer

Did Antoine de Saint-Exupery have any offspring?

Looking through the wikipedia > Antoine de Saint-Exupery, I see he had a number of partners, one of them was Consuelo de Saint Exupéry (the character who probably inspired the rose in The Little ...
Remi.b's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Why did the French Revolutionary General Pichegru defect to the Royalists?

General Pichegru was a famous French Revolutionary military leader who had won great victories in 1795. And then, all of a sudden: Although he had become a hero of the Revolution, he allowed his ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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To what extent does the popular memory of Bismarck today differ from the historical reality?

I'm interested in what discrepancies there may be, between the reality of Bismarck versus the image created in the Collective Memory of Germans. In what ways does the popular impression of Bismark ...
Missiej's user avatar
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1 answer

Sources for historical information about the life and career of Basil Zaharoff?

Basil Zaharoff seems to me to be a quite mysterious figure from World War One. He was a Greek arms dealer and industrialist who sold weapons and ammunition systems to both the sides in the war, and ...
Aashish Loknath Panigrahi's user avatar
16 votes
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Who was "Lt.-Commander R.T. Chaloner Woods"?

I am collecting information about Christian authors writing about economic topics. The other day, browsing my university library, I found a copy of this book, titled "A plain Christian looks at ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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3 answers

Was Mimar Sinan of Greek Christian origin?

Mimar Sinan was perhaps the greatest and most famous architect in Turkish History. He was born at the end of the 1400s and lived nearly 100 years. His style essentially defined Ottoman architectural ...
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5 votes
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Identification of two leaders in Hungarian revolution

Who are these two figures involved in the revolution in Hungary after the first world war?
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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6 votes
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What was the role of Konstantin Rokossovsky during WW1?

The Wikipedia article is very poor in this subject: On joining the Kargopolsky 5th Dragoon Regiment, Rokossovsky soon showed himself a talented soldier and leader; he ended the war with the rank of a ...
Voitcus's user avatar
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9 votes
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How do historians treat gossip?

How do historians deal with information that has no other sources than gossip? I mean facts (or "facts") that are not covered by primary sources, but are widely known from gossip. Usually this ...
Voitcus's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Did Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigate the globe?

As we know, Magellan died on the Philippines, so he did not circumnavigate the globe. However, I found an opinion claiming that he actually did, because he'd made some travels to east Asia before his ...
Voitcus's user avatar
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2 votes
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How many Mendeleyevs there were?

As is known, Mendeleyev was born in 1834 at Tobolsk, in the far west of Siberia, into a well-educated, reasonably prosperous and very large family, but how large? Some sources say there were fourteen ...
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28 votes
1 answer

When did songs extolling leaders of companies go out of fashion?

When recently visiting Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA I came across an exhibit called "Songs of the IBM". It's from 1930s and has a song called "Ever onward" which extols then IBM ...
Abhilash's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Did the blanket pardon from 'The Three Musketeers' exist in real life?

In his novel The Three Musketeers, Dumas describes Richelieu giving the following paper to Milady de Winter: C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du present a fait ce qu'il a ...
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48 votes
3 answers

Was Napoleon as short as "common knowledge" states?

I once saw a mention (on that Napoleon, whom pretty much everyone believes was of very short stature, was actually close to average height for his time/demographics, and that the short ...
DVK's user avatar
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