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Questions tagged [flags]

For questions about flags and their historical use and design, as well as for similar design uses such as on shields and surplices.

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26 votes
6 answers

Why do so many national flags contain the color red?

I was doing some riddles with my daughter today and mentioned some nations. She had to 'calculate' how many of those nations' flags had the color red in them. As it happened, all of them did. In ...
user1914292's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Did the Hungarian Army ever use crescent banners?

I was reading about Battle of Mohi between the Mongol Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary. Wikipedia contains this artistic depiction of the battle: The cavalry on left hand looks like Mongols while ...
NSNoob's user avatar
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2 answers

What flag has a blue-grey background and an orange-outlined green cross?

I have a picture of a flag but I do not know where it's from. The cross indicate that it's likely European and it looks very much like the Swedish flag. Which country has this flag?
Ole Petersen's user avatar
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What's this flag flying on a fort at Kodiak, Alaska?

Naval captain Yuri Lisianskii drew a harbor scene in Alaska about 1805. It was engraved in England for an edition of his book. (High-res version) In the image, from left to right, there are flags ...
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11 votes
1 answer

Which Muslim factions during the Crusade used the crescent in their flags or banners?

According to NSNoob comments on Did Hungarian Army ever use Crescent banners? Crescent was used by Muslims since the Crusades. Wikipedia seems to agree. For example: the article on Star and ...
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