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Did people comment on Yukio Mishima's sexuality while he was alive?

In The Homo Cultures of Iconic Personality in Japan: Mishima Yukio and Misora Hibari: Specifically, the celebration in the homo magazines of two contemporary personalities illustrates divergent homo ...
Atomic Tripod's user avatar
2 votes

Did renaissance actors learn their parts by heart?

This person is called a prompter, prompt, or souffleur. From the Wikipedia article for prompter: "The prompter (sometimes prompt) in a theatre is a person who prompts or cues actors when they ...
Ivan Borsuk's user avatar
30 votes

Did renaissance actors learn their parts by heart?

It seems that actors studied their roles from extracts known, perhaps unsurprisingly, as parts (from Dramatic Documents From The Elizabethan Playhouses, W. W. Greg, 1931): Generally speaking it may ...
phoog's user avatar
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