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fortytwo's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
22 votes

Can anyone explain why a wreck of a battleship lies in the Nevada desert?

18 votes

World War 1 Indian propaganda posters

16 votes

How severe was the 1943 Bengal Famine?

16 votes

How pro-Soviet was India join during the cold war?

15 votes

What is Adios Bruce Lee?

14 votes

What was the legal framework in Ancient India?

13 votes

What evidence supports the claim that Shivaji's father was Muslim?

12 votes

Why did the Arabs start the 1973 War during Ramadan, and did it affect their performance?

11 votes

In the British empire, what was the difference between a Governor General and a Viceroy?

11 votes

Was Nicholas II Romanov the last king of Poland?

9 votes

What role did Lucky Luciano play in facilitating the invasion of Sicily?

9 votes

Did Russia help India arm itself with nuclear weapons?

8 votes

Alexander's seizure of "Brahmin" towns

7 votes

What kind of incense was used by the Sumerians?

6 votes

Why did pastorial people from central Asia migrate to Europe?

6 votes

What role did British cartoonists play in the early 1800?

5 votes

Why was A.K.Gastev purged in 1939?

4 votes

What led to election violence in Kenya in 2007?